Huny Brand Video
Short Film Featured in the 2016 Santa Barbara International Film Festival
"Inspired by a painting that I saw in a dream one night, I decided to re-create the painting but with a twist... Painting with my little hand for the second time in my life. This painting and the painting process are both a realistic metaphor of exposure. Exposure within the simple tool used to create such an intimate piece of art. Exposure in the manic manner in which I peel the dried paint from my hand, lending a naked view of it to the audience. This video, speaks more to the idea of truth, of letting go, and of how you expose your true self when you stop hiding. However, it also performs the challenges that become evident once any act of vulnerability are unveiled. This is shown during the struggle that takes place as the dried paint is removed.
Hannah P. Jaffe painting with her "little hand" Music by Douglas Jaffe